Northern California WRF        Southern California WRF

Robert Fovell's Southern California WRF

06/12/2015 Output from the Southern California WRF will no longer be available

Model Viewer

Google Earth Forecasts


This is the Southern California WRF operated by Professor Robert Fovell. The model is initialized daily at 12Z (4am PST) and integrated for 54 hours (output available around noon PST). As of now, there are no plans of running this model for the 00Z cycle.

       About the model
  • WRFV3.4.1 ARW Core

    • Domain 1: 54km
      • Model Viewer: not shown
    • Domain 2: 18km
      • Model Viewer: not shown
    • Domain 3: 6km
      • Model Viewer: Southern California View

    • Longwave Radiation: RRTM scheme
    • Shortwave Radiation: Dudhia scheme
    • Planetary Boundary layer: Yonsei University scheme
    • Land Surface Model: RUC
    • Vertical Levels: 51

    • Disclaimer: These data are provided without warranty or representation of any kind, not considered operational, not maintained 24/7, and not to be used for life and death decisions.

      Contact: Travis Wilson