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Southern California Bight Circulation and Forecast System (collaborating with JPL, NASA)

A snapshot of Sea Surface Elevation for two nested grids (20 km, 6.7km)

A nested-grid is applied to study the circulation in the Southern California Bight (SCB). The model is forced by MM5 wind,
and integrated from 1996-2003. The numerical solution is verified against Satellite remote sensing data, CalCOFI data
and Buoy data. The figure below shows the model catches the 97-98 ENSO signal by comparing the satellite-observed
and modeled SSH.

A high resolution (1km) configuration is also set up to study the circulation in SCB. The fine grid resolution model
can well simulate an upwelling event with a fine grid MM5 wind, see the figure below:



Current Researches:
  1. Island wakes and their environmental impact.
  2. High-resolution realistic simulation
  3. Southern California Bight Circulation and Forecast System
  4. Bering Sea Ice-Ecological-coupled System
  5. Sediment Transport
  6. Pollution (such as DDTs) Dispersion and Water Quality Assessment

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