• CLIVAR/VAMOS identified the Plata Basin as a climate-hydrology system with components that are potentially predictable with useful skill from seasons in advace, and whose variability has important impacts on human activities.


  • CLIVAR and GEWEX formed of the PLATIN Science Study Group to advance the understanding of those components.


PLATIN SSG: Walter Baetghen (IFDC, Uruguay), Vicente Barros (UBA, Argentina), E. Hugo Berbery (U. Maryland, USA), Robin Clarke (UFRGS, Brazil), Heidi Cullen (NCAR, USA), Benjamin Grassi (UNA, Paraguay), Alexander Guetter (IPH/UFRGS, Brazil), Dennis Lettenmaier (U. Washington, USA), C. Roberto Mechoso (Co-Chair, USA), Edson Ramirez (SACLAY, France), Pedro Silva-Dias (Co-Chair, USP, Brazil, Rafael Terra (U. República, Uruguay), Carlos M. Tucci (SIMEPAR, Brazil). ICPO Contact: Carlos Ereño (ICPO, Argentina)

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