Northern California WRF        Southern California WRF

Northern California WRF

Model Viewer

Google Earth Forecasts


Model Statistics

This is the Northern California WRF that commences daily at 00Z (4pm PST) and 12Z (4am PST). The model is initialized off the 12km North American Mesoscale model and ran for the entire 84 hour period.

Latest Run Started At 06/12/15 06:57 Local Time
Latest Run Finished At 06/12/15 09:36 Local Time

       About the model
      Physics change log
  • WRFV3.6.1 ARW Core

    • Domain 1: 36km with 10m (~19km) terrain resolution
      • Model Viewer: West view only (Domain 2 shown where available)

    • Domain 2: 12km with 5m (~9km) terrain resolution
      • Model Viewer: Northwest, Centralwest, Southwest, and Southern California views

    • Cumulus Parameterization: Kain-Fritsch scheme
    • Microphysics: WRF Single-Moment 5-class scheme
    • Longwave Radiation: RRTM scheme
    • Shortwave Radiation: Dudhia scheme
    • Planetary Boundary layer: Yonsei University scheme with top down mixing/entrainment
    • Land Surface Model: Noah LSM
    • Horizontal Diffusion: off
    • 6th Order Horizontal Diffusion: 0.0
    • 2 way nesting
    • Vertical levels: 35
Disclaimer: These data are provided without warranty or representation of any kind, not considered operational, not maintained 24/7, and not to be used for life and death decisions.

Contact: Travis Wilson