Center for Earth Systems Research (CESR)
CESR is part of the Institute for
Geophysics and Planetary Physics (IGPP) at UCLA. Its members--Profs. Michael
Ghil, Nicolas Gruber, James McWilliams (Center Head), David Neelin, and
Richard Turco, together with their research associates in the IGPP,
the Department of Atmospheric
Sciences and the Institute of
the Environment --have primary research interests in the physics
and biogeochemistry of the Earth's atmosphere, cryosphere, and oceans.
In addition, CESR is a base for broad, cooperative effort to develop,
test, and apply a comprehensive numerical modeling capability for the
Earth's climate--for periods extending over previous millennia, the
present, and the coming centuries of anthropogenically induced
Among the projects carried out in CESR are the following research
topics: the atmospheric and oceanic general circulations; geophysical
fluid dynamics; natural variability of climate on sub-annual,
interannual (e.g., El Niño), decadal, and centennial time scales;
climatic effects of volcanic and anthropogenic aerosols; greenhouse
gases and radiation; stratospheric ozone depletion; tropospheric
organic and sulfur chemistry; oceanic ecosystems and biogeochemical
cycles; paleoclimatic variability; sea ice and glaciers; assimilation
of observations into models; and Southern California regional climate
and its impacts on society.
Members of CESR
M. Ghil,
N. Gruber,
J. McWilliams,
D. Neelin,
R. Turco.
Visiting Faculty:
K. Ide,
R. Lu,
C.-C. Ma,
P. Marchesiello,
J. Molemaker,
A. Shchepetkin,
F. Varadi,
M.I. Venkatesan.
Postdoctoral Fellows:
M. Blaas,
X. Capet,
H. Parish.
E. Huckle,
H. Frenzel.
Graduate Students:
R. D'Auria,
B. Gallego,
S. George,
P. Graves,
K. Hales,
Y. Huang,
N. Jiang,
Q. Ma,
P. J. Paysant,
J. Redemann,
A. Saunders,
Y.-D. Tian.
Phone and Mail Directory
For more information about the Center for Earth Systems Research
contact: James C. McWilliams, Dept. of Atmos. Sciences/IGPP, UCLA, 405
Hilgard Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90095-1565, (310)206-2829,