Center for Earth Systems Research (CESR)

CESR is part of the Institute for Geophysics and Planetary Physics (IGPP) at UCLA. Its members--Profs. Michael Ghil, James McWilliams (Center Head), David Neelin, and Richard Turco, together with their research associates in the IGPP, the Department of Atmospheric Sciences and the Institute of the Environment --have primary research interests in the physics and biogeochemistry of the Earth's atmosphere, cryosphere, and oceans. In addition, CESR is a base for broad, cooperative effort to develop, test, and apply a comprehensive numerical modeling capability for the Earth's climate--for periods extending over previous millennia, the present, and the coming centuries of anthropogenically induced changes.

Among the projects carried out in CESR are the following research topics: the atmospheric and oceanic general circulations; geophysical fluid dynamics; natural variability of climate on sub-annual, interannual (e.g., El Niño), decadal, and centennial time scales; climatic effects of volcanic and anthropogenic aerosols; greenhouse gases and radiation; stratospheric ozone depletion; tropospheric organic and sulfur chemistry; oceanic ecosystems and biogeochemical cycles; paleoclimatic variability; sea ice and glaciers; assimilation of observations into models; and Southern California regional climate and its impacts on society.

Members of CESR

Faculty: M. Ghil, N. Gruber, J. McWilliams, D. Neelin, R. Turco.
Visiting Faculty: M. Boiseau, R. Chretien. I. Yavneh
Researchers: P. Berloff, K. Ide, R. Lu, C.-C. Ma, A. Robertson, A. Shchepetkin, F. Varadi, M.I. Venkatesan, N. Zeng.
Postdoctoral Fellows: C. Chou, M. Gupta, P. Marchesiello, J. Molemaker, H. Parish, C. Sun, A. Wirth.
Graduate Students: R. D'Auria, J. Duan, B. Gallego, S. George, P. Graves, K. Hales, Y. Huang, N. Jiang, S. Koo, J. Lin, Q. Ma, P. J. Paysant, J. Redemann, A. Saunders, Y.-D. Tian, F.-Q. Yu. Phone and Mail Directory
For more information about the Center for Earth Systems Research contact: James C. McWilliams, Dept. of Atmos. Sciences/IGPP, UCLA, 405 Hilgard Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90095-1565, (310)206-2829,