Selected Research Topics

(underlined titles have companion web pages; see CV for complete list)


Mesoscale convective systems

  1. -Numerical simulation of a midlatitude squall line in two dimensions (Fovell and Ogura 1998): PDF

  2. -Effect of vertical wind shear on numerically simulated multicell storm structure (Fovell and Ogura 1989): PDF

  3. -Influence of the Coriolis force on two-dimensional model storms (Fovell 1991): PDF

  4. -Numerical simulations of convectively generated stratospheric gravity waves (Fovell et al. 1992): PDF

  5. -Hailstorms in Central Switzerland: Left movers, right movers, and false hooks (Houze et al, 1993): PDF

  6. -Multicell storms and new cell generation (Fovell and Tan 1998): PDF    Figure9

  7. -Multicellular behavior in a simplified squall-line model (Fovell and Tan 2000): PDF

  8. -Upstream influence of squall lines (Fovell 2002): PDF

  9. -Mantle echoes associated with deep convection: Observations and numerical simulations (Wakimoto et al. 2004): PDF

  10. -Discrete propagation in numerically simulated nocturnal squall lines (Fovell et al. 2006): PDF

  11. -Radial cloud bands within the upper-level outflow of an observed mesoscale convective system (Trier et al. 2010): PDF

  12. -Recent advances in the understanding of clear-air turbulence (Lane et al, 2012, in press): PDF

Tropical cyclones and cloud microphysics

  1. -Impact of cloud microphysics on hurricane track forecasts (Fovell and Su 2007): PDF

  2. -Cloud microphysics impact on hurricane track as revealed in idealized experiments (Fovell et al. 2009): PDF

  3. -Impact of cloud-radiative feedback on hurricane track (Fovell et al. 2010): PDF

  4. -Tropical cyclone track and structure sensivitity to initialization in idealized simulations: A preliminary study (Cao et al. 2011): PDF

Sea-breezes and convective rolls

  1. -The perpendicular case (Dailey and Fovell 1999): PDF

  2. -The parallel case (Fovell and Dailey 2001): PDF

  3. -Convective initiation ahead of the sea-breeze front (Fovell 2005): PDF


  1. -Climate zones of the conterminous United States defined using cluster analysis (Fovell and Fovell 1993): PDF

  2. -Public perceptions of climate change (Berk and Fovell 1999): PDF

  3. -Dynamical controls on the diurnal cycle of temperature in complex topography (Hughes et al. 2007): PDF

  4. -Blocking in areas of complex topography, and its influence on rainfall distribution (Hughes et al. 2009): PDF

  5. -Adjoint of a parameterized moisture convection model (Fovell 2004): PDF

  6. -Western U.S. streamflow and atmospheric circulation patterns during El Niño-Southern Oscillation (Piechota et al. 1997): PDF

  7. -Cirrus cloud simulations using WRF (Gu et al. 2011): PDF