Transient Response to External Forcing

Haywood JM et al. (1997) Transient response of a coupled model to estimated changes in greenhouse gas and sulfate concentrations. Geophys Res Lett, 24(11), 1335-1338. Download

Manabe et al. (1991) Transient response of a coupled ocean-atmosphere model to gradual changes of atmospheric CO2. Part I: annual-mean response. J. Clim, 4, 785-817. Download

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Roeckner E, Bengsston L, Feitcher J, Lelieveld J, Rodhe H. (1999) Transient climate change with a coupled atmosphere-ocean GCM including the tropospheric sulphur cycle. J. Clim. 12: 3004-32 Download

Stouffer R, Manabe S. (1999) Response of a coupled ocean-atmosphere model to increasing atmospheric carbon dioxide: sensitivity to rate of increase. J. Clim. 12: 2224-37 Download