Alex Hall
Asst. Professor
310-206-5253 (office) 310-206-5257 (lab) 7955 Math Sciences Bldg
Mimi Hughes
Graduate Student
310-206-5257 B679 Geology Building
Greg Masi
Graduate Student
310-206-5257 B679 Geology Building
Joseph Spahr
310-825-1555 4631 Geology Bldg
Xin Qu
Graduate Student
310-206-5257 B679 Geology Building

Any of the above people can be reached by e-mail by clicking on their names above or by mail through the following address:
UCLA Dep't of Atmospheric Sciences
Box 951565
Los Angeles, CA 90095

The fax number for the group is:

Finding Us and the Atmospheric Science Department:
directions and other visitor information
campus map
