Our presentations at conferences and seminars are organized into the categories of global  and regional climate.

Global Climate

The science of climate change: Scientific consenus, new research directions, and implications for policy (A. Hall, talk) Environmental Priorities Network public forum, Ranchos Palos Verdes CA, May 13, 2005. download powerpoint

Sea ice, solar radiation, and southern hemisphere high latitude climate sensitivity (A. Hall, talk) CLIVAR Southern Ocean Working Group meeting, Princeton NJ. January 14, 2005. download powerpoint

What controls plantary albedo and its interannual variability over the cryosphere? (X. Qu, talk) the 85th annual AMS meeting, San Diego, CA, January 10, 2005. download powerpoint

What controls plantary albedo and its interannual variability over the cryosphere? (X. Qu, poster) AGU meeting, December 17, 2004. download pdf

The solar radiation budget and high latitude climate sensitivity (A. Hall, talk) University of Arizona Dept of Atmospheric Sciences. Tuscon AZ, October 28, 2004. download powerpoint

Wintertime climate variations forced by changes in earth's orbit (A. Hall, talk) University of Arizona Dept of Geosciences. Tuscon AZ, October 29, 2004, also at UCLA Institute of Geophysics and Planetary Physics, October 12, 2004, Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, Palisades NY, September 8, 2004, and Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory, Princeton NJ, September 7, 2004. download powerpoint

What controls the variabiltiy of net incoming solar radiation? (A. Hall, talk) Earth System Scholars Network meeting, College Park, MD, September 27, 2004. download powerpoint

Issues surrounding northern hemisphere high-latitude climate change (A. Hall, talk) University of Washington program on climate change retreat, Leavenworth, WA, September 16, 2004. download powerpoint

Regional Climate 

Simulating Mountain Climate (A. Hall, talk), Mountain Climate and Ecosystem meeting, Pray MT, March 3, 2005. download powerpoint

What determines the mean state of the climate at spatial scales unresolved by GCMs? (A. Hall, talk) Scripps Institution of Oceanography, La Jolla CA, February 10, 2005. download powerpoint, also, a shorter version at the Manabe Symposium at the 85th annual AMS meeting, San Diego, CA, January 10, 2005. download powerpoint

The origin and structure of Southern California climate variations (A Hall, talk), AGU meeting, December 17, 2004, download powerpoint also a longer version at Caltech, November 17, 2004. download powerpoint

Wind Regimes in Southern California Winter (S. Conil, poster), AGU meeting, December 17, 2004, download powerpoint 

Small Scale Variations in the Diurnal Amplitude of Surface Air Temperature in Southern California (M. Hughes, poster), AGU meeting, December 17, 2004, also, presented at the 85th annual AMS meeting, San Diego, CA, January 10, 2005. download powerpoint 

Orographic and Large-Scale Influence on Southern California Precipitation Patterns (G. Masi, poster), AGU meeting, December 17, 2004, also, presented at the 85th annual AMS meeting, San Diego, CA, January 10, 2005. download powerpoint