WRF ports

THIS PAGE IS OBSOLETE. More recent notes are at macwrf.blogspot.com. On this page, the results of my efforts to port the WRF model to other platforms and/or compilers are reported. This page presumes you already know how to compile and use WRF. The page is current as of released version 2.1.2 and was last revised on 22 October 2006. Comments, corrections and suggestions made to Robert Fovell are gratefully received.

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Some notes on running WRF on Intel Macs

-- Added 22 October 2006.

I have just tried to run WRF on an Intel Mac, having acquired a Core Duo-equipped MacBook and the Intel Fortran 9.1 compiler for Mac OS. So far, I have a successful run using OpenMP and both cores, without nesting (not tried yet). The number of changes needed to adapt the model from Intel Linux to Intel Mac appears to be rather slight. This is what I did...

Below this point, this page pertains to WRF version 2.1.1.

There are sections for the WRF model on OS X; RIP4, WRF2GrADS and WRF2Vis5D on OS X; and the WRF model on FreeBSD. Here are the older pages for versions and 2.0.2.

Updated notes for WRF version 2.1.1

WRF 2.1.1 for Mac OS X



Here is what I had to do to get WRF V2.1.1 running in single CPU, single domain mode on my Mac G5. Both alterations involve the contents of external/io_grib1.


WRF supporting programs for Mac OS X

This section has been carried forward unchanged from the V2.0.3.1 page



Here is my somewhat brain-dead procedure for getting RIP4 to work on OS X with xlf. This is a workaround for problems I was having with ripdp_wrf, probably because of the way I handled netcdf. It is not elegant, but I usually stop working on things like this once they start working, and it only has to be done once. It may not work for you. Indeed, you may only need the updated Makefile, which contains information obtained from E. Salathe and M. Han.


This one was very simple. I use these lines in the Makefile:

FC = xlf90

You may also be interested in my revised module_wrf_to_v5d_util.F file, which addresses a number of issues. Modifications include:

WRF 2.1.1 for FreeBSD

I also run WRF to run on a FreeBSD (x86) system, using the Intel ifort and GNU gcc compilers. The procedure for getting V2.1.1 working is somewhat more onerous than it was for V2.0.3.1, again mainly due to the new GRIB1 code. My fixes for this are not elegant. However, they work, and once I get this stuff working, I don't have time to make things elegant. All information here pertains to the MPP version, which is my sole interest here.

Page started 10 October 2004 by Robert Fovell