Welcome to Changming " Charles" Dong's Research Website  

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Welcome to the UCLA Coastal Seminar, which is a weekly interdisciplinary and inter-group meeting.
The groups include people from physical,
biological, chemical and geological oceanography focusing
on coastal regions.  Broader interesting topics are also very welcome.

The seminar is also officially listed as a course as AOS 277.

Location: 7124B Math. Sciences Bldg.
Time: 11:00am-noon on Thursdays

If you have questions about the seminar, please contact Charles Dong (the current convener)
via my email: cdong@atmos.ucla.edu. Thanks!


The 2009-2010 fall quarter schedule:

        Date                       Speaker                                Title                              

1. Sep. 24                              Burkard Baschek, UCLA                             Introduction for enrolled students

2. Oct. 1                                Seth John, CalTech                       "Are coastal regions an important source of      
                                                                                                  iron and iron isotope signatures to the open ocean?"

3. Oct. 8                               Tabitha Esther, USC                                 Silicic Acid in Cascadia Basin

4. Oct. 15                              Yi Chao, JPL                               A Regional Ocean Modeling, Data Assimilation and 
                                                                                                                 Forecasting System      

5. Oct. 22                            Burkard Baschek, UCLA                             Aerial and in situ measurements          

                                                                                                          of submesoscale fronts, filaments, and eddies

6. Oct. 29                        
Jennifer Imai, CSU, Long Beach/UCLA              Rogue Wave Observations    

7. Nov. 5                              Adam Wang, JIFRESSE                          Tidal simulation and its influence on circulation                                                                                                                            

8. Nov. 12                            Carter Ohlmann, UCSB                         Surface current trajectories in the Santa Barbara  
                                                                                                            Channel from drifting buoys, HF radar, and ROMS

9. Nov. 19                             Francesco Nencioli                               A new eddy detection scheme and its application

10.  Nov. 26                         Thanksgiving

11. Dec. 3                            Thomas Weber, UCLA                            
Signals of N:P variability in the Southern Ocean

11+. Dec. 4                        Bernard Sapoval,                                      Large scale erosion patterns of rocky coasts, rough or fractal,
                                 Ecole Polytechnique, France                     and increased dissipation of wave energy by irregular absorbing structures

12. Dec. 10                      Yusuke Uchiyama, UCLA                           Wave-Current Interaction in the ROMS


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